ALZ101_A310en pista.png
8 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de ALZ287
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Ingresó: 17/10/2015


The Operations Center is back operational. A manual update is needed in order to download the latest working version. Follow the below instructions to update it.

Go to to C:\Users\{username} \AppData\Roaming\PMDG\PMDG Operations Center right click on OpsCenterUpdater.exe and select run as administrator​. This will update it to the new version

Chris Makris (Olympic260)
PMDG Technical Support




Centro de operaciones



Imagen de ALZ101
Ingresó: 06/12/2001

Gracias Julio ;)

Armando Carmona (ALZ101)
Dirección ALZ

Imagen de ALZ545
Ingresó: 24/09/2010

Hecho ... muchas gracias Julio

Juanjo ( ALZ545 )

Imagen de ALZ361
Ingresó: 30/09/2010

Muchas gracias Julio.


Imagen de ALZ418
Alecetero Mayor del Reino
Ingresó: 25/10/2010

Gracias Julio.

ALZ418 José Manuel

Alecetero Mayor del Reino
Ingresó: 17/10/2010

PMDG opertions center siempre me sale sin conexion. He intentado resolverlo pero no lo consigo. Parece que ha podido ser desde alguna actualizacion del simulador o de windows 11.
¿Podeis ayudarme ?

Imagen de ALZ287
Colaboro un montón
Ingresó: 17/10/2015

Hola, soluciones abajo.

[24FEB23] Update series for PMDG 737 - with an important NOTAM you should read before updating...

24Feb2023, 23:17



We have just released a series of updates covering the entire PMDG 737 for Microsoft Flight Simulator product line. This update series applies to each of the 737-600/700/800/900 airplanes.

Before I get into more detail, I want to point a very bright spotlight on one step you **must** take in order to update your 737:

Updating PMDG Operations Center:
We broke the PMDG Operations Center update process, and to fix it requires you to take manual action this time in order to "un-stick" it's workflow. To do this is quite easy, and you can do it one of two ways:

Method One:
navigate to C:\Users\{username} \AppData\Roaming\PMDG\PMDG Operations Center right click on OpsCenterUpdater.exe and select run as administrator​. This will update it to the new version​.


Method Two:
Re-download any one P3D/MSFS product from your PMDG account from and reinstall that product. The installer will manually trigger the update process and replace the Operations Center with the new, corrected version.

I apologize for the hiccup with the operations center, but if you follow either of the two methods above, you will be back to normal operations with it and ready to update all of your PMDG products normally again.

*Note: Some Avast and AVG users are reporting problems that are created by their A/V software not liking the fact that Operations Center must talk to the outside world in order to operate. We are aware of this, but we do not control those third party software items and thus cannot force those vendors to correct the false positives. We have taken the normal steps to notify them and the rest is up to them.

PMDG 737 for MSFS Updates to Build 3.00.0063:
Okay, now that the messy stuff is done- lets focus on the goods!

You can update your PMDG 737 by launching the PMDG Operations Center, then going to the Aircraft and Liveries tab, then Product Updates. Click on the button associated with your 737 product and the update will be automatically installed for you.

This update cycle has us back to cleaning up small details and adding improvements to the entire product line as we keep moving the quality forward. The change list below is a bit of a mash-up of changes we have made in the past couple of cycles, but covers most of the details for the 3.00.0062 and 3.00.0063 updates.

- [FMS - SID/STAR pages] Magenta line to first waypoint after departure runway drawing revised algorithm
- [Sounds - Internal/Cockpit] Air Gnd Sensor releasing Gear Lock on Liftoff not heard
- [AFDS - Pitch Modes] Pitch Guidance not adjusting for Flap Schedule on Go Around
- [AFDS - Pitch Modes] Airplane not accellerating after dual channel go around
- [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] HOLD page update with PPOS hold not executed yet but modified after creation
- [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Handling offset route entry with very small offsets
- [FMS/AFDS - VNAV] Initial descent path adjustment at T/D to avoid too much speed gain
- [FMS - Route/Legs Pages] Transition altitude for missed APP WPTs and following Go Around
- [AFDS - Roll Modes] LNAV Stability when sequencing leg colinear with next leg
- [Systems - Wheels & Brakes] Brake Temp on differential braking inop Rt Side
- [External Model - Geometry] airstair missing texture
- [External Model - Geometry] 737 external model mesh holes
- [External Model - Liveries] Texture or Model Issue
- [Main Panel - Aural/Visual Warning Systems] Door warning lights comes ON on Recall even if all doors are closed.
- [Ground Physics] Nosewheel Steering effectivity at higher speeds
- [Geometry/Textures] Captain Footrest adjustment
- [Geometry/Textures] Texture clipping on NAV 2 panel
- [Geometry/Textures] Comm 2 strange texture
- [Comms/Navs] MMR does not remember preselected frequency
- [Radios/Comms/Navs] MMR not saving standby frequencies
- [Functionality/Click-Spots] F/O PREV PAGE button not animating
- [Radios/Comms/Navs] MMR behavior when changing frequencies
- [Geometry] Light bleeding through front cabin walls
- [Geometry] Hole in front of passenger cabin
- [Performance Pages] Consistent use of custom payload ZFW value
- [Ground Operations] Stairs 1L Arrive Even if JTWY INH
- [Setup/Options Pages] EFIS/MAP Options still greyed out
- [Liveries] Texture Alignment Between Fuse2 - Fuse3 Left Side
- [Geometry/Textures] Black texture on top of glareshield
- [Electrical] Power-up Self Test of Electrical Display not long enough when battery power first selected ON.
- [Electrical] APU GEN power save mode incorrectly triggering at Fail-toAir sense rather than APU GEN Off signal.
- [Wheels & Brakes] Autobrake Control Unit not responding to primary sensor input, relying upon alternate sensor mode for activation on landing.
- [Failures Pages] Anti Skid amber annunciator not illuminating correctly for antiskid normal/alternate valve system problems.
- [Geometry] Texture issue inboard flaps, trailing edge.
- [Geometry] BBJ no collision model in the VC
- [Geometry] Strange texture on cabin ceiling
- [Failures Pages] Engine Anti Ice failure incorrect behavior
- [Electrical] Right wiper not connected to DC BUS 2
- [Fuel] Fuel does not feed from opposite engine when 1 engine failed and Xfeed open
- [Aural/Visual Warning Systems] Six Pack IRS light on Recall test always light despite IRS is working with no issues​

Work continues with the 737 family and with the 900 now fully in operation, we are shifting focus back to general fixes, updates to existing logic, merging in the new navdata process and some other areas of focus that will get folded in over time. Work also continues on the PMDG Universal Flight Tablet, which now has operable performance computations process that is close to being handed to the beta team for evaluation.

And of course- a bunch of us are spending most of our time on the 777 production floor, which is also very exciting.

A quick Note About The MSFS Beta Channel:
With this update series out the door, we are now beginning to shift some focus to the MSFS beta channel and the recently dropped SU12. We have a bit of a balancing act to perform here in that we have to be careful the changes we make for SU12 don't break things in the currently public version- so please do understand that we are likely to hold off on updates that improve quality of life for users of SU12 until it actually release to the public.

Longer term we may have a beta channel available to you in the Operations Center that will allow us to push both stable and beta channels out simultaneously- but this is over the horizon behind higher priority items such as the tablet and other product improvements.

We hope you all have a good weekend! If you see fellow PMDG pilots struggling with the Operations Center update process- please do point them to this post for help.

Happy Flying!

Robert S. Randazzo
PMDG Simulations


Alecetero Mayor del Reino
Ingresó: 17/10/2010

Solucionado!!. Muchas gracias Julio.

Llevo bastante
Ingresó: 04/03/2014

Muhas gracias.
  me estaba volviendo loco.
