Bajo este título vamos a explorar algunos de los más peligrosos aeropuertos del mundo. No todos serán por sus pistas cortas o su altitud, algunos tienen aproximaciones arriesgadas o difíciles como el Reagan National en Washington DC, que está situado en un lugar complicado, junto al río Potomac y los pilotos deben sortear algunos espacios aéreos prohibidos cercanos a la Casa Blanca y a la CIA, o el Aeropuerto Internacional Princess Juliana (St. Maarten) donde la pista es de apenas 2 mil metros de largo, una longitud cómoda para aviones pequeños o medianos, pero en el que muchas veces deben aterrizar algunos Boeings 747 o Airbus A-340.
Esta semana nos vamos a Groenlandia.
The approach is through a fjord, so it's necessary to make 90 degree turn to line up with the runway while in the "valley". It's similar to flying down a city street with high rises on both sides with severe turbulence at all times except on the brightest of days; downdrafts are everywhere. There's the risk of icebergs drifting into the departure/arrival path.
Unless the ceiling is at least 4,000 feet and visibility at least 5 miles, pilots without proper knowledge of the local topographical and meteorological conditions are advised to not attempt approach to Narsarsuaq though fjords. Strong easterly winds can create severe turbulence and windshear in vicinity of the airport. Takeoffs are limited to daytime, and the airport is in uncontrolled airspace.
As soon as weather falls below "great for flying", the approach to BGBW becomes a real hand humidifier. Going down the fjord, sometimes wind rushes in from the side and flicks your aircraft to the other side of the cliff wall; over-correcting can be as dangerous as not correcting. The procedure turn to line up on final is nerve hacking. Before or as soon as you finish the turn, there is usually a gust of wind either from the side, from the top or from the back, potentially giving you a not-needed-at-all speed boost all the way down.
SINOPSIS El vuelo 209 de la Trans American sale de Los Ángeles con destino a Chicago. Entre el pasaje se encuentran una serie de curiosos personajes. Entre ellos, un ex-piloto de combate que, en pleno vuelo, se verá obligado a hacerse con el mando del avión comercial, tras quedar los pilotos indispuestos por una comida en mal estado. (FILMAFFINITY)